Wednesday, May 22, 2019


Benefits and Secrets of Fasting - English

Saturday, October 10, 2009


I found what makes anyone an atheist (if not Mcabra) believes the immediate presence of God, and believes that the miracle of Prophet Muhammad, prayers and best delivery: "The Koran" as a right, and that from God.
Let me reflect on the content.


Scientists have discovered the existence of pulsars ways to make sounds like a hammer, and found that these stars make waves Jzbip can penetrate and puncture anything including land and other, so called "the two traits: a recipe on ways hammers are universal, the nature of being able to access and insight into the hole it is, this What summed up for us in the verse of the Koran wonderful, God says in the description of these stars through two words: (and the sky and anyone who knows what * Tariq * Star Drills) [Tariq: 1-3]. The word (Tariq) accurately reflect the work of these stars, and the word (penetrans) accurately reflect the outputs of these stars, a wave insightful, but do not have to say: Hallelujah!


Scientists have recently discovered the existence of black holes they called Stars, and is characterized by three properties: 1 - does not see, 2 - are at high speeds, 3 - to attract everything as if page sweep the sky, even if scientists have found that it works Kmcnsp a global giant, three of these qualities are Tell us about three words in the Quran says: (I swear Balkhans * neighboring synagogues) [Pelleting: 15-16]. Valkhans any that does not see any being neighborly, and the synagogues that sweep any and attract all the enormous gravity to it, this verse of the Koran are a frontrunner in talking about black holes before the late
I swear Balhafq

This is a picture of the polar aurora, which appears in the Arctic region generally, the phenomenon of the most amazing natural phenomena, it took scientists many years to learn their secrets, and finally turned out to be formed because of the Earth's magnetic field, and this is the twilight of the Earth defense mechanism against the solar wind deadly dissipated by the magnetic field and "burn" and danger away from us and instead of Thrguena see this magnificent view, not worthy of this great phenomenon that is divided by God? Allah says: (I swear Balhafq * and stowage of the night and the moon * * If fullness is the matter with dish * What * do not believe in them and if they read the Koran does not prostrate) [split: 16 - 21].

And made a lamp and Haja

At the time of the descent of the Koran, no one on earth knows the sun, but God who created the sun and to describe precisely the Almighty, saying: (And We made the light a lamp and Haga) [news: 13], and this verse emphasizes that the sun is a lamp and lamp is a machine for burning fuel and the generation of light, heat and this is done by the sun, they burn fuel and generate heat and light, so the label is an appellation of the sun Balsraj very accurate scientifically.
Ceiling saved

See in this picture the planet on the right and is surrounded by a magnetic field is very strong and this area as we see it repels particles emitted from the Sun called the solar wind, deadly, and without the presence of this field vanished life on Earth, so the Almighty said: (We made the sky a ceiling and are preserved for ayat risk) [the prophets: 32].

Sea Almsgeor

This is a picture from one to the side of the ocean and see how Vchal flowing molten lava sea water, this picture is taken near the Arctic, that no one aware of this type of sea time when the Koran, but God told us about this frightening phenomenon and beautiful and even swear by it, "says says: (and phase artifact, the book * * * publication in slavery and the White globe * and conveyed to the ceiling and the sea Almsgeor * * The Lord of the reality of suffering * What is the motivation) [phase: 1-8]. Altsger and in the language is warming says Arabs Sjr Ohmah any enlightenment, and this is accurate and appropriate what we see in the pictures on the fact that the sea is Ihamawh to thousands of degrees centigrade, Glory to God!

Building and the sky

At first, scientists thought that the universe is mostly vacuum, and they shot him the name (space), and remained true that term until recently, but in the late twentieth century, scientists have discovered something new, they called the (global construction), where they found that the universe is certainly a building arbitrator does not exist in a vacuum where ever, they started using the word (building), if we look at the book of God Almighty, we found that use of the word by Western scholars long centuries, Allah says: (God who made you the earth and the sky at a resolution your photos and your photos so well and bless you with good things is Allah Lord blessed be God, the Lord of the Worlds) [Mu'min: 64].

Marj Bahrain

See in this picture the gap between Bahrain Malehin, this area called the isthmus of water, scientists have found with characteristics different from both Bahrain on the sides, and also found that characteristics of each sea are different from the other properties of the sea. Although the mixing of water through the region of Bahrain but all maintain the characteristics of the sea and the sea dominates the other. These are facts in oceanography been detected in a few yeas ago, Glory, which told us to accurately complete in meaning: (Marj Bahrain meet isthmus between them * * they do not transgress by what agents of your Lord and men) deny [Rahman: 19-21

I certify that to God but Allah,
And I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of God

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Information on Islam

To Islam:

Islam means surrender to God in monotheism, and submission and docile obedience to Him, and the conclusion of its trap, due to whatever he wants, and leave the ending for it. In this sense, Islam is the religion of God, who does not accept the God of one of our others, "said the Almighty: (the religion with Allaah is Islam)

[Al-Imran: 91].

And divine law revealed by God to his apostles and prophets multiple canons, all agree to call for unification, and the establishment of the interests of people, and advocate moral universe, and differ in some provisions, also differ in some capacity, and limit each other necessities of life according to the requirements people. He says: (To each among you, Bill and platform) Al [the table: 48].

Divine law and agree among themselves on many things, including:

1. Source:

They are home from one and only God, the Almighty said: (I am revealed to you as We inspired Noah and the prophets after him) [al-Nisa: 163].

2. Purpose:

Purposes, it is divine law:

Make the people worship their Lord: (And We sent before thee love for him was that he is no god but I, so worship Me) [the prophets: 25].

He said the Almighty: (And We sent a messenger to every nation, worship Allah, and eschew tyranny Some of the guidance of Allah and some of them caused by the misguided Vseroa the earth and see how was the end of the rejecters) [Nahl: 36].

And initiate Tobeidhm including costs and provisions, Viltzmon by the consent and voluntarily. He says: (The only saying of the faithful when they are called to Allah and His Messenger to judge between them is that they say and we obey, and those are the successful) [-Nur: 51].

3. General rules:

It is agreed that the heavenly religions also, as a rule of reward and punishment, namely, that hold rights to his work, and is punishable Bznoppe died down, but Aiwakz lost in others. And rewarded by seeking, and has no other pursuit, he says: (Predicting or not, including newspapers and Ibrahim Moussa * * not in the bearer of burdens bear another's burden * and not of man but what he * and his quest will see * and fully Idzah box) [Star: 36-41].

Thus all the previous divine Valhraia Islam God Almighty, and worship him as the flames began glorified messengers, peace be upon them.

This Noah's peace be upon him says: (but ordered to worship the Lord of this town, which has deprived it has everything that I ordered the Muslims) [ant: 91].

Ibrahim and Ismail peace be upon them said: (Our Lord, and make us Muslims to you and our descendants a Muslim nation, and you show us Mnaskna Otb us You are the Merciful) [Baqarah: 128].

Which is testament of Abraham and Jacob, peace be upon them, he says: (and the guardian of his sons, Abraham and Jacob, son that God has chosen you to religion Tamotn not except as Muslims) [Baqarah: 132].

And peace be upon him called on his Lord and said: (God may forgive you of the king and taught me the interpretation of talk Creator of the heavens and the earth, you and Lee in the world and the Hereafter Tuffine righteous Muslim and join me) [Yusuf: 101].

And Moses peace be upon him said: (And Moses said: O my people, if you believe in God, he must, if you Tokloa Muslims) [Yunus: 84].

And evidence in the Holy Quran many information.

Special sense, Islam:

The interest vary according to circumstances and times, which is most wise to proceed with all the slaves in the era of the knowledge taught in the former that its interest at the time, but the copier is most likely better than copied, because the transition from good to better than the verse progression to what is class and completed, as is the year of God in creation, take them piecemeal evolution.

Since Islamic law can not be copied because they Conclusion laws, tolerance came out steady and wide, nine licenses bearing the weak, strong and resilient Baezzaim, this large-Rahman mercy towards His slaves.

He says: (Then Djalnak on the law of the command Vatbaha do not follow the whims of those who do not know) [Crouching: 18].

And became the religion of Islam, which Allah sent by Muhammad peace be upon him and inspired by the origins and rituals, and charged him communicated to all people, and invite them to him .. Became the religion of God, who does not accept the God of one of our others, it is religion that is acceptable to God for the beneficial owner. Thus, copies of Islam all previous religions, became a Muslim and from those who follow it goes against not a Muslim.

And the entrance gate to him to see that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of God, and work elements of this certificate and terms, and avoid Noaqdha.

Almighty said: (chooses a religion other than Islam, and it will never be accepted of him in the Hereafter) [Al-Imran: 85].

He said peace be upon him: (which is the soul of Muhammad with his hand to hear a one in the this nation, Jew or Christian, then dies not believing in Him who sent, but the owners of the fire) Narrated by Muslim.

Based on this, Jews and Christians after the mission of the Prophet peace be upon him, if you did not enter in his religion and believe in his letter does not serve their faith Brzlem, because the religion of Islam of the Prophet peace be upon him abrogates all previous religions.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Am I wrong

Am I wrong
Am I wrong and always in my mind Arii
With my wife only. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Are often A_i_arti than most of my friends and acquaintances and colleagues in any action or Mckp, the question of special character, and is taking feedback and advice in most cases
Defect in it?

Healthy food

Healthy food *·~-.¸¸,.-~* *·~-.¸¸,.-~*

Food that contains the daily needs of the human body in various stages of his life.

What is the food

Is covered by all of the rights represented by liquid water and other beverages as well as solids from food and so on.

Food sources

1 - Protein sources (source)

A - animal: such as eggs - meat - fish - birds - milk and milk products.

B - Vegetarian: all types of beans (beans - lentils - chickpeas).

Importance of adequate protein:

1 - body building and the formation of cells.

2 - the restoration of damaged cells.

3 - composition of human blood, body and bones.

2 - carbohydrate (sources)

Sugar - honey - jam - desserts - rice - pasta

The importance of articles Alkrbojedartip:

1 - an important source of energy.

2 - the burning of protein and fat within the body.

3 - fatty substances (sources)

Animal source: butter - butter - tallow

Vegetarian source: oil extracted from seeds (such as sesame oil - olive oil - corn oil).

The importance of fatty substances:

An important source of energy.

4 - Metallic Materials

Intervention in the composition of the body and act as important for some tissue

Muscle and red blood cells, white and glands within the body.

5 - Vitamins

Are those elements necessary for life and shortages cause many diseases.

Reasons for the lack of vitamins:

1 - lack of diversification in sources of food and limited to one type.

2 - to rely on foods saved.

3 - cooking Thoa well.

4 - not eating fruits and vegetables fresh and raw.

5 - the body's inability to absorb vitamins from food.

6 - lack of vitamins in the body to some pathological conditions such as liver disease and digestive system.

7 - the increased need for vitamins in the body to situations such as pregnancy and lactation.

6 - Water:

Two thirds of the body weight of water is important for the body, because he is in the composition of cells and blood, and works to break the waste and carrying out of the body with urine and sweat. It also works to regulate body temperature.

7 - spices and condiments:

Flavors of food open appetite and improve food and odor (such as cardamom - Cummins - cinnamon.) It affects the stomach directly Vtenct and increase movement and affect the nerves of taste and increase stomach acid.

As for eating too much of this material is considered harmful to health, especially those materials spicy warm by the effects in the stomach and intestines of scratching and inflammation - also affect the liver and kidneys.

Importance of diversity in food:

That diversity ensures the balance of food and thus ensure the health, since there is a whole food, but food complementary to each other to form a complete nutrition.

The decreased any group from your diet daily will not be balanced food, but if you choose a variety of foods from each group at every meal will ensure that you have all the elements that your body needs.

How to choose the proper diet for your business or your business effort of the day:

1 - for those who work do administrative work and intellectual (Kaltalbp, businessmen and employees in their offices) need to milk, cheese, eggs, wheat, fish, nuts and almonds. And less of stimulants such as coffee and tea because it has an impact on the metabolism within the body.

2 - to those who are exposed to the positions of nervous during their work: in need of intensive vegetables (dish of fresh vegetables (salad) and a type of fruit and a piece of cheese and must take off from the meat does not quite eat lettuce, carrots or potatoes.

3 - working Badilathm need a rich source of energy such as sugars and fatty acids.

4 - Those who sit in air-conditioned offices without the need to understand the act of fresh vegetables and fruits.

How to avoid the gas in the stomach and intestines:

1 - scheduling eating.

2 - Provide adequate time to eat not eat quickly and making a noise during a cup of fluid, especially if it was hot.

3 - balance between the dates do not go into junk food on the food.

4 - Eat a good chew quietly and not talk while chewing.

5 - Avoid constipation, and ruled out the foods that cause gas such as cabbage, spices and pulses.

6 - only drink as little as possible from the water, gas and mineral water after food once.

7 - Reduce the fries.

Correct methods of food preservation:

1 - milk is always kept in the refrigerator away from light.

2 - baking bread in a less degree possible so as not to lose Vitaminach.

3 - not to overstate the laundering of rice and not too much water during cooking

4 - Eating fruits and vegetables are always fresh after washing well.

5 - Save Alawarq vegetables such as lettuce, spinach in the coldest place in the refrigerator, wrapped in a cloth - while maintaining peas, beans and tomatoes in the degree of cold less.

6 - mature green tomatoes are placing it in the room temperature in a place shining.

7 - orange and citrus fruits are placed in a normal temperature and saves the juice, if put in the refrigerator in a closed container.

8 - the best cook potatoes Bakecrha then decorticate after cooking (after a good washing).

Task during cooking tips:

1 - Use a minimum amount of water.

2 - cooking food in the shortest time (do not leave it on the fire for a long time).

3 - not cutting vegetables prepared for cooking small pieces because it loses Vitaminacha.

4 - Do not dispose of water used by vegetable soup, but it contains lots of vitamins and minerals dissolved in it.

5 - The use of stress as much as possible to shorten the time and the amount of liquid.

Important Notes for the housewife:

1 - not to throw the cards in the green islands and turnip, radish, and its use for making power.

2 - maintaining the balance of each meal, its proximity to all the elements.

3 - not to put frozen meat in boiling water directly (the loss of vitamins) and should not remove it by putting it in ice water (has protein).

4 - The presence of bran in the flour gives the bread more nutritious.

5 - best not to eat eggs raw or scrambled egg with milk or chocolate.

6 - Non-use of frying oil more than once.

7 - keeping food in the refrigerator and try not to be subjected to many heat and cold, because it helps the proliferation of Aharathim.

8 - Non-frying vegetables before cooking.
9 - barbecue is better than frying, boiling is better than the use of oils

Monday, February 23, 2009


Woman sent a letter in which she says: Since I began my life with my husband in the military officer and we live in a fulfilling life was obtained over the marital life, and I have to raise my daughter and Bmrabiyat many do not remember the number is not surprising that it was each one of them I do not stay more than two months and then escapes My husband of cruelty
Aggressive nature, which I do not know if Tanith acquired during his trip, or are they inherited when my husband was in the torture of any creative work we have a nanny, I do not deny I was sometimes guilty of such cruelty and Almiskinat 15 years ago when my daughter was seven years old and my son in the the middle stage of the knowledge that Iraqi farmers may be accompanied by his daughter of nine years may be received with honor, the simple farmer, said that his daughter came to serve us in return for twenty pounds a month and we agreed to do so and left the farm we have a struggling child blonde girl Vankrtt they leave in tears, holding her father and Bjelbab Tsthfah not than the visit, and do not forget to hand it to her father and left a tearful eye and promise to have the implementation as requested by him and the girl started her new life with us were waking up early in the morning to help me in the preparation of breakfast for two and then carrying school bags and down the street and to remain standing even with Teflai borne on the school bus and return to the department deals with food and Iaftarha Fula was often without bread and oil on the verge of rot in some cases, some of which we are mastering the art a little molasses and cheese and then start after breakfast in the practice of cleaning the house and the purchase of vegetables, the survey and the synagogues and cooking and to meet requests for the people of the house to midnight Vtsagt then Kalguetilp on the ground and sleep in the day, and at any lapse or postpone the performance of the work required of them in high cruelly beaten by the husband to bear the beatings and patient despite the tears, the girl was very honest and faithful to the hygiene and Mkhaddomiha rejoice at the simplest of things and had always come to their owners. The girl bear with us, suffering in silence and patience, and I remember now that when the day comes out Teflai delighted pampered while the child remains clean and without pity and washed after the end of the arduous work of wearing an old dress, but he is clean because it was keen on the cleanliness of her simple but has not seen her father only a few times after our work has been cut off from her and began to send one of his relatives by the receipt of monthly and that she had not seen her only three times: first when her older brother died in an accident and the second was destroyed in fact have been infected with a contagious disease, and feared the Teflina them to Vobadnaha the pretext of her hometown to see her mother and her siblings, and was the third time on the death of her father after he entered the stage of boyhood, and settled in the heart of grief. There was once a girl almost as young people age out of a day to buy vegetables and did not return to the house .. My husband started in the search for less than a week until my husband had been found at the back and welcomed an enthusiastic welcome by all kinds of suffering may Besagaha electricity and violently kicked my son volunteered, while my daughter cried for her father, she says: Vdharbha is also forbidden for the first time in his life. The girl returned to her life Alhqip us and the situation continues as it was, a mistake or postponed pursuant to Vidharbha is my husband and go out to leave space for them and leave the leftovers to eat the week. Then little by little we began to notice that the cups and dishes fell from her hands and they stumble in Msheetha Frdhanaha the ophthalmologist, he stressed to us that its very weak due to receive from the shocks and blows to the area of the brain, eyes, that he was withdrawing and shrinking gradually and does not see it now under the feet, that is, it has become almost blind!! Although not all Nrahmha and has been working as before and go out to buy vegetables, but often slapped if the market is not Bkhaddrawat fresh and often do so for very weak eyesight Vohafqat by Tcilha was the wife of the doorman at the entrance of the building and go to buy vegetables, so save them from humiliation of the girl then left the house after a day that has become almost Mkovvp .. No longer the time did not pay attention to other research by this time had become almost blind in the government .. What make Bamia?! My son graduated from university, work and employment, then married and when we completed our pleasure that she was pregnant and then the happy moment came and I gave birth a sudden, we discover the harsh reality that children do not see the blind .. The joy turned to a thick plume of dark sadness .. We have begun the long journey with doctors move from doctor to another in search for a cure, but to no avail .. And my son and his wife surrendered to reality and is extinguished hope in their hearts and decided not to take the wife of my son again for fear of a repeat of the disaster, but doctors assured her that this is impossible and encouraged them to pregnancy and we encouraged them, we also hope that our child alive and natural ease of sadness and shock in the first child and took my son's wife for the second time and gave birth to a beautiful girl and complete joy when the doctor told us that they believed her and poured her brother Almkovv toys, gifts, clothing, seven months after it noticed that its center in one direction does not deviate by Frdhanaha to an ophthalmologist Vfujina it just does not see a glimmer of light and is also exposed the loss of her sight and we are unto God and to Him we return to the view that my husband was shot spoiled with psychological situation of the Middle East and the hatred of everything, even his home and his children and his family and his condition worsened, the doctor referred us enter a psychiatric clinic for treatment of depression and I felt the concerns of the minimum set of cruelty and I remembered that I am that girl that ran away from Alxeirp Jhimna blind and took me wonder: Is the solution to our ills is the revenge of God, that girl we make for the right and become the image of the girl Ttardni units moving in and I'm looking for the girl even shown us by a neighbor and learned that it is working as a maid went to a mosque and brought to live with me as long as I days, despite the harshness of memories and happy girl was asking me and my concern for the return to us, and kept the ten we did not keep them back with me that girl and I am feeling the way I head my hand and calmed us in our house, which experienced the kinds of punishment which became Oraaha and serve and do their affairs are my child and I have both the blind It is my hope and advocacy for the Lord to forgive me and my husband is in the right Aqtervnah this girl and I say to those who were stripped of their hearts of compassion: The district does not God do not sleep on one of Tksoa Sultan who you are


LOVE * Love: - Everyone can be up to the level of love, but already owned in various relations, but like anything else, to be developed up to this place, "it can be cultivated in the land of desolate Bzorh non-fertile." - So what is love? Love - definition of love - The difference between admiration and love - Degrees of love - Chemical changes that occur in the body - What is the member in charge of the passion of love - Other cases, emotional - They love - How to access the myth of true love - How attracted you to the other party - The basics for the success of love in various relationships - Out of the celebration of Valentine's Day - Definition of love: Love is the feelings of closeness and achieve satisfaction and the internal conflict between human beings, or to enjoy the present with the other party. And also describes the feelings of love, of passion .. Act for which it has rights, but the response of the kind of sympathy towards others (or by one another). This passion is rooted in all cultures, so the feature is described as a human .. Or feature that makes the individual human being human, there is reason or self-love - the love of work - the body of love - love of nature - the food of love - love of money - the love of learning - Love Force - Shahwani love - love of animals and education - respect for the love of others. Abstract concept of love and understand its meaning from experience and not through the interpretation of verbal - The difference between admiration and love: Impressive is the stage prior to the paving of love, or love, so find a love that is linked to two stages when it is in the beginning called "impressive" and then came the second phase, which is shifting to the impressive and we know what we call "love" or admiration, which is surrounded by strong emotion. Valiajab generated from continuing to deal with others and with things that surround us also, and then develop feelings of love towards the person who admire .. It is not wrong or sin in the man was nothing if absorbed in admiration or love, but the error occurs when there is a deviation of leaves, and described the transformation of the deviation from the "other" to "self", which is called the "lust for self-possession" or quite simply, selfishness is here sound the death knell of error in the relationship of humanity. - Degrees of love: Since the mixed feelings of love, such as a sense of importance, acceptance, understanding and demonstrating .. Attention to the need for other non-self, and any other positive feelings experienced two or more, so there are different feelings of love for each case, commensurate with the emotional plague is when a person experience. Love triangle theory: weighing the degree of love or by the most accurate in the sense of the interrelationships among the human race, three pints: familiarity - Passion - Commitment A - the friendship or admiration: The first degree of love and contains one element of the triangle of love and intimacy that does not mean that something trivial or unimportant, but that leads to love. The familiarity and closeness likened to be closer to real friendship, which is where the individual type of Rabat, warmth and approaching the other person .. But there is no passion or severe long-term commitment. B - infatuation: It consists of passion only a so-called "love at first glance," but without convergence or commitment can disappear suddenly. Fri - Love hollow: There is convergence or emotion but a commitment only. The "power of love sometimes (ie, deteriorate) to the hollow of this type, is this kind of arranged marriages, where the commitment to start the relationship but does not require the continuation of this form. D - romantic love: Here merge familiarity and passion are the forces (ie, emotional attachment occurs), as in the impressive stage and during the physical link between the sexual desire of both parties. E - Love Alrvaqy: Is the familiarity and commitment, this type of love marriages, which is in older age, where there is no conventional sense of passion and turn it attaches to the other party and the forces such as the relationship that exists between friends, between family members. And - foolish love: When the passion or commitment, but not near or in the familiarity of marriage is commitment, which is great catalyst of passion without a consistent effect of familiarity. G - Love inclusive disjunction (consumer): Combining the three elements in the triangle of love, love is the most complete and represents the ideal relationship that people strive to reach it .. And the little up. Maintain this kind of love more difficult to achieve, and must be expressed that can be subjected to the courtyard as well. - Physiological changes (chemical) that take place in the body: - Energy flow in the body. - Widening Hdguety eye. - Increased heart palpitations. - Redness of the face and chest. - Increase the secretion of sweat. - Increased oil gland secretions of the hair, making it more bright. - The desire to follow a healthy eating habits and to maintain appropriate weight. - Easy on the conviction Dimension bad habits such as smoking. - Where love is established in humans? Different mechanisms of romantic attraction and sexual attraction Taatmizaan mechanisms in humans, but they share a passion and affinity for another of the party .. And not as some think that the heart is the center of love, is merely a member of Vakulb affected nerve, which signals the brain sends to him in addition to the hormones that exist. Valmk is the center of love, has been observed in a study by British researcher, "Bartels," the 17 men and a woman in love and offered them a two-time image and the beloved image of the other time, friend, and through examination of the brain MRI at presentation of each picture - that there is flow Ghazir bloody essential oxygen to the areas responsible for the positive feelings .. And the flow of a simple looking at the picture of a friend. The scientists linked the cases to the incidence of emotional romantic Bifraz "dopamine" and "Nuribernfrin," which shows the details of their disguised pleasure in this new relationship. - The different feelings associated with love: These feelings are about love, but it is possible that the person before, during or after Maisth of the situation is not emotional love, which is not described the relationship between these feelings of love, but very simple definitions to understand the differences between them. Acceptance anger happiness expectation fatigue repugnant envy Hope the fear of sin suffering remorse frustration surprise hatred 1 - Admission: Admission is described by this statement, "the suffering of life, I invite people to accept this suffering, to understand and are part of life." To understand the acceptance speech comes countermeasures resistance, Acceptance of the position without experience and there was no intention to change it. 2 - happiness: the emotional situation, which is where the fun and enjoy the individual, happiness is a mixture of joy and love and extroversion. The idea of happiness is not linked to a particular but rather to succeed in life. 3 - anger: a response to the hostile feeling of stress, or some kind of motivation to respond countermeasures that may lead to violence, extreme anger. And patterns of anger, the medium was the lack of taste or lack of arousal or enjoyment of, and anger is the dominant element in the emotional response to the growing threat, where the incidence of produce cortisol and adrenaline high rates, which in turn is reflected on the behavior state of stress increased and the tendency to aggression. Iharalinsan was angry for four reasons: first, through threats, such as recognizing the conflict, and the second through the abstract concepts such as injustice, and the third is the human exposure to situations such as physical exhaustion or hunger, or sexual frustration or the use of specific drugs and the fourth cause hormonal changes, such as the age of menopause, childbirth. There are benefits of anger: the provision of self-protection and the other for the same freedom from the pressures to which man is exposed in different positions. 4 - expected: the fusing of the feelings of happiness, waiting at the elicitation event. 5 - boredom or fatigue: suffering from a lack of things beloved of the people both at the vision .. To hear or do. Or rights in the event of Allaaml mood, have many reasons for the occurrence of fatigue such as the presence of large areas of leisure, or may come to the accompanying mental illnesses such as depression or physical illness. 6 - disgust: disgust is divided into physical and explains why, after cleaning the concrete, and the disgusting moral and emotional situation here relates to certain behavior. 7 - envy: the persons, not objects, and translate the desire to possess the characteristics and capabilities of people and all that is related to the qualities of good offices. 8 - fear: a feeling that there was a risk, as they are called ball and a lack of love for things such as fear of the dark or fear of ghosts. 9 - sin: sin or guilt were akin to each other, felt the feelings of the individual's thinking or behavior is morally wrong, or thinks it is. Human suffering and a sense of guilt when an internal struggle to do something it should not do (as in his belief), or as he called the "Freud" The conflict between the ego (in the desires of Ahlgrezip) and the superego, and this feeling is generated in humans be guided by the conscience. 10 - hope: faith in the possibility of reaching a positive outcome related to events experienced by the individual in his life, even though there was evidence of these negative results. Bored and other terms related to several different but at the same time: A - Belief: Faith is different from the hope that the first word has religious connotations and the other has significant emotional. B - optimism: The point of view of positive mental and cognitive level, and the hope of faith refers to positive emotional level. And optimism to be reasonable based on facts or that has no contact with reality. C - a false hope: Hu, who is on the fantasy (all done in the fanciful) or impossible to achieve. D - positive thinking: Is the kind of remedial steps are used in psychology in order to reverse the concept of pessimism. 11 - remorse: a sense of the sadness, guilt or shame, and this feeling comes after the person wishes to work with and then after failing to do. 12 - frustration: the situation of the individual and the mood is different from the medical diagnosis of depression, the person tends to grief frustrating for less than two weeks, and features a sense of sadness, loss, social transformation. It is this sense of motivation to change the domicile, marriage, separation, divorce, failure of a particular relationship, the job, graduation ... Etc.. 13 - suffering: the pain and not related to happiness, and any negative emotional shift may be described as suffering psychological or physical pain when the human disease. 14 surprise: a feeling of something unexpected. 15 - hatred: the gathering of the wishes of hostility, lack of taste, to avoid someone or something, a sense of wanting to get rid of anything. The adoption of the experience of hatred for both the fear of something or of being subjected to injustice of a negative experience when dealing, and this is incompatible, for the word love, which possesses all of these feelings. - They love: If the person to understand what love and relationships and how to employ, any individual can benefit from the psychology of love and turning it into a relationship .. This relationship in turn transformed into a successful relationship because it is a combination of the wonderful feelings and multimedia. This situation has been emotional, "and invoke the object" if a person does not know what to do or do not understand the meaning of the last resort or when the individual repeated the question about what advice is the love he wants to make it. - How to access the myth of true love: "Show interest in words and not really" Interest and attention .. Then attention is on the list of priorities and requirements, and demonstrate acts of love, however, saying the words. The first is required and the other is not desirable, either orally or in writing in the statement, the statement that the love could put pressure on a person because he does not know what he wants in the future, or even if he knew he sets for himself the burden of implementation .. The other party Vciecar obligation which requires him to swap the same sentiments, so in the sense of freedom and the adherence of the final result of non-attraction to the other party, because the structure of the human race attitudes, which tend to have achieved happiness and pleasure and not pressure. The element of the conviction is not imposed with the sense of commitment, love and a sense of when it occurs (represented by the behavior), there will be a reaction automatically love the other party. - How do you attract the other party: The steps of love, understanding, and as human beings or we are living organisms have been frustrated for a lack of success in the consolidation of our relations to others or to win their hearts and all that the person is required to know how to stimulate the human heart with something to act calm and patience as well. A - remissness positive: love is the kind of complacency positive if you want to win the love of the people Links to marriage and love, friendship, or any of the multiple types of relationships, which extends within the framework of family relationships also .. Must meet the emotional needs of the other party relying on you. This requires you to hundreds of hours of listening when the other party to talk to you while you remain silent when listening to your side most of the time. B - a positive image of the personality: a person is attractive, which comprises a positive image in the eyes of others to self-confidence, so the resistance to feelings of self-stability and volatility of the elements of attraction is the people you C - research into the causes of the failure of different relationships. - The success of the basics of love in relationships: - Enjoy the company of the other party and to live with. - Dialogue, dialogue Talmaojd and everything is possible to overcome it if a problem or desire to be accessible. - Not thinking about the duration of this relationship. - The right understanding of the relationship, it is assigned to change the figures, but rather to understand each other more close. - Show of love over time, such as the occasion differently. - Support for the feelings of your partner, listen to any relationship, the relationship is very important even if you think what has been mandated to say to you or hear him. - Friendship to any and every relationship is absolutely vital, but is based, with the friendship developed trust and respect and thus generate impressive, and once that is achieved is impressive, which is an extension of love of friendship. - Available when needed. - Respect for differences of views, do not expect the other party to consider issues or actions, as do you, in the persons of different origins in Taballa in the way of thinking .. Respect for differences in views and solve difficult situations. - Avoid lying, if the noble goal Ktjunb alienating the other party or undermine the relationship between the two of you, Falczb which leads to destabilize the relationship and loss. - Note to deal with parents, will Fsharikk Iemlk the same manner as her parents .. If respect is the dominant feature you also be given to this feature if it was negative, you also will be reflected. - Emotion, is the primary basis for the success of the various love relationships are by-one in the relationship, such as: proximity - Contact - Sex ... Etc., and develop these relations subsidiary instinct requirement (the need for each other), if the availability of money and companionship, friendship and the house and the prestigious post in the marriage relationship, for example, without emotion Everything that will not work.